Thursday, November 5, 2009

Moving On Down The Road Of Life

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we read that there is a time for everything, a season for all things under the sun.  And, so it is in life at times.  The last year has been a journey for me, a journey that at times has been anything but fun.  Rather, there have been moments when the outlook seemed bleak and the atmosphere seemed dark.  Indeed, there were moments when the storm clouds seemed to be on the verge of overwhelming me.  But, as is so often with the cycles of life, things turn around, decisions are made, movement happens.

For much of the past few months, I have wandered blindly through a dark haze that wouldn't seem to lift.  In short, I had gotten so mired in dismay and despair that I had forgotten to remember that God always has a plan.  We don't always know that plan because we are trying to find our way as we listen to his promptings.  But, after a long dark night, I can finally say I'm moving on down the road of life.  There is sadness which will remain for sometime.  There is pain that will lessen in time.  There are wounds that will heal with time and God's urgings.  But, through the deepest and darkest moments of the past year and the bitterest moments of the past few months, one thing, one person, has been a constant.  God never left my side.  He never gave up on me.  He never forsook me.  His loving arms were stretched tight around me and his hands were wiping away every tear that fell from my eyes.  And there is a comfort in that because I know that this will always be a truth for me.

There is a peace that comes with being able to make decisions that resolve problems we face in life.  And that peace truly passes all human understanding.  Although I know there will be sad days and sad moments in the time to come, I will march forward into the bright new future that God has prepared for me.  Whatever he has in store, it will be good and I will be happy.  That should be enough for all of us.